Wow, what a surprise!
She looks awesome, you really captured her energy. I wonder who she's going to fight.. well, maybe her opponent hit the floor already.
Wow, what a surprise!
She looks awesome, you really captured her energy. I wonder who she's going to fight.. well, maybe her opponent hit the floor already.
Thank you I'm glad you like it!
Wooow Lago looks amazing!
Love the dynamic pose, color palette and lighting, along with the whole background composition and all the little details like that monstrosity in the background and the slash across its face.. speaking of which, this seems exactly like the kind of trouble she would get herself into haha.
Thank you so much for this awesome gift!
Im glad you like it!! merry christmas
These wordless pages are probably my favorites out of your whole webcomic, just because they can tell a plethora of things without a single letter. Also great work on the composition!
Yeah, I like doing the wordless comics. It makes me play more with the composition and general feel, I think. Thanks!
Woo I don't know what to say. Karen and Senry look amazing in your style! Composition and background are great and their reflections on the ground are mind-blowing.
You've really outdone yourself, thanks a lot!
Awesome! Thanks kmau,i tried out some new things with this fanart and i thought what better way but to draw some of my favorite characters.
I'm sure many artists can relate to this.. on another note, your facial expressions are pure genius - you can like.. you're done. Go to Face-Valhalla.
Also lol at the background people.
Thanks man! To be honest, I still feel like I need a lot of practice concerning expressions (especially in more realistic drawings), but this was good practice anyway. And ha, I was wondering if anybody noticed the background scene :p
This is a really cool piece. I've been busy with learning new shading techniques so much lately that I completely forgot that you can do something great like this even without shadows.
Thanks. Shadows mostly serve to help project 3d space in drawings, so either you replace the with something to help viewer to understand or it should feel "flat" by default. Simple as that.
Anyways i recall you had some great stuff without relying on shading yourself, so i doubt you can "forget" about it ;)
Wow this is so dynamic I love it.
Thank kmau. Love your Animation. Can't wait for the next episode. Keep Going!
I'm a 2D character artist & animator in the videogame industry and work on my own stories in my spare time!
2D Animator
Joined on 9/23/09